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Anders Kompass resigns as chairman

Anders Kompass föreslås bli ny ordförande för IM.

Anders Kompass has taken up the position as acting director of the Human Rights Institute, based in Lund. With this, he resigns as chairperson of IM.

The assignment at the authority is expected to continue in the spring of 2022, during the time that a regular director is appointed.

– Having worked with human rights for most of my life, especially abroad, it is very fun to be asked and exciting to be part of the start of the new authority. I have been involved in and supported the formation of similar institutions in the countries where I have worked. So, it was difficult to say no, says Anders Kompass.

Combining the task as IM’s chairman and head of the authority proved difficult.

– It is the board of the institute that has asked me to resign from all positions of trust, because it is so important that the institute is perceived as totally independent. The assignment also takes up all my time.

IM’s chairman is elected for a term of one year. The next annual meeting will be held in May.

– I am interested in continuing as chairperson, if the annual meeting elects me.

IM’s first vice chairperson Gabi Björsson is now taking over the chairperson’s gavel.

– I look forward to the assignment with mixed feelings. It is an important assignment and I think it will be fun, but I think it’s a shame that Anders must resign, says Gabi Björsson.

By: Malin Kihlström